Time is consciousness

Philosophizing together over the relationship between consciousness and space- time.


Opposites/contradictions are there because of balance

Heraclitus one of the founders of Greek Philosophy , born in Efeze, (+540 0 480 BC). On the unity of opposites. All things come to be from their opposite states. Only by comparing them with evil, hunger and effort do we understand what good, full filled and peace mean. Using this knowledge of opposites Heraclitus designed his first model of the dialectic development study . Dialectic is generally said to be a reasoning form which by means of the use of opposites tries to seek truth (Socrates) in other words - metaphysical, according to which both thought and the world change, for the purpose of development , as a result of opposites (Heraclitus). For coincidence oppositescoincidentia oppositorum see also Cusanus and Bruno on the three stages of philosophy Hegel.


Mind – Consciousness – God as being.

Anaxagoras (+500 – 428 BC.) was the first to introduce the abstract philosophical term ‘Nous’ an old Greek term for mind or intellect. The Ionian philosopher and astronomer Anaxagoras introduced the term as a philosophic concept. The ‘nous’ was to be interpreted as the thinking , reasonable, all powerful (mighty) but impersonal mind. Thanks to this mind an efficient, well ordered world existed out of the chaos in which living beings distinguish themselves from the dead, because they were possessed by the ‘nous’. Plotinus described Nous as an emanation of the divine being (see also Nous by the old Greeks, Wikipedia).

Religious aspects 1:

Spinoza and immanent thinking:

According to Spinoza the only God who exists is not a heavenly being but inherent to nature . A creation principle where everything that exists in nature i.e. everything in the universe is one reality, In the thought process there is no God outside reality who transcends or exceeds reality. Immanency, literally permanent, lasting, is the philosophical term for that which belongs to the structure of something and does not exceed it. In the understanding theory immanent is that which does not exceed consciousness but stays within the experience of consciousness. This interpretation of the understanding theory is completely in accordance with the content of my time theory. Namely that humans cannot separate consciousness and being. In my vision spacetime and consciousness are complementary, that is to say from a (conceptual ) space reality, being and everything that exists is realized by means of passing time. We become human, we become conscious via the dialectic ladder.

Religious aspects 2:

Spinoza wrote about this aspect in his theological political treaty (tractatus Theologica Politicus). About the necessity for a personal God and a wondrous viewing (appearance). Spinoza recognized the suffering of Jesus. He qualified Jesus as the highest and noblest figure among men. This to the anger of the Jews – but he could not place Jesus as the savior or representative of divinity because he could not give the transcendent a conscious place, that the transcendent is the conceptual space from out of which the being emanates, otherwise he could have seen that incarnation is necessary to life and death. In the dialectic of life and death the suffering manifests itself as the most ultimate form of sensitivity (sensibility). It also concerns the sensitivity for the truth, cleanliness and good, these are positive experiences which affect us, are we patiens. Jesus is revealed by means of suffering, the consciousness, it is the consciousness which finally suffers!!.

Timeboundness and the temporary:

By the grace of death there is life. Or rather translated into physics, time related stands for the regressive force of gravity in which progress derives its energy. This statement is universal. The runner books progress and celebrates his victory by the grace of gravity.

Even so this universal statement is relevant to the question why time goes quicker as you get older. Namely with the withdrawal of gravity a delay takes place, in approaching gravity an acceleration takes place. Think here about the launching of a rocket and the retarded acceleration an off road vehicle. Also for the question of the Cartesian dilemma about our brain and how independent it and ourselves are or not, this universal statement is relevant, namely that in a fast fall we can potentially or totally loose our conscious and ness (being). This can be demonstrated by among other things a gravity test in a gravity simulator. It is therefore a regressive force which is a component the time on which everything is based. The temporary stands for the decline without a sell by date (our birthday) no changing without change no experience. Intuitively we understand this but the paradox is that humans want to get old without getting older. Death as a consequence and condition of life is a difficult concept to accept. In the decline we lose vitality (the days are numbered). It is a countdown. The gravity from which we have laboriously withdrawn is now pulling us with full force back to it. Time is Alfa and Omega. The difference between Newton and myself is that I see gravity as the regressive force and Newton views it as a progressive force. Strange or not??????